In the name of God Amen. I, Webb Kidd of the county of Elbert & State of Georgia being very sick & weak in body but of Perfect Mind Senses & Memory do make and constitute my last Will & Testament. But principally & first I give & hoping at the Resurrection I shall receive the same again in peace, and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it to me & as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with I do give & dispose of in the following manner. The Plantation House & Land whereon I now live with all that appertains thereunto belonging. I do give unto my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth Kidd to be her dowfull rite & property enduring of her life and widowhood and if she dies before my youngest child, Webb comes or rises to the years of eighteen then the Plantation House & Land not to be broken up until he arrive to that year of age and then separately I give him my youngest son his free choice to take the House, Land & plantation for his own or otherwise to take Dick my negro boy if he lives & I further give him out of my Estate a horse & saddle, the saddle to have when he calls for it & the horse to be put in his possession when he arrive to the above mentioned years. The horse and saddle to be worth one hundred dollars, together with a good bed & furniture & which ever he chooses, the land or Dick. If it be the land & the rest or Dick & the rest then thats to be his only part or claim of my Estate=and to my dearly beloved daughter Nancy Harper I do give a beast & saddle, bed & furniture with one Heifer Cow which they have in their possession to the amount of ninety three dollars, and to my dearly beloved daughter Polly Jennings I do give which they have now in their possession one tract of land & one bed to the amount of one hundred & twenty five dollars, and to my dearly beloved daughter Lucy Greenwood I do give which they have had in their possession one bed & with a heifer cow, beast & saddle together with cash to the amount of one hundred & four dollars=& to my son William Kidd I do give which he now has in possession one tract of land a bed & furniture, beast & saddle to the amount of two hundred & thirty five dollars and to my beloved daughter Rhody Cleaveland I do give which she now has in possession one bed & furniture with a beast and saddle to the amount of Eighty five dollars the beast to yet be delivered to her-and to my beloved son Martin Kidd I do give which he has now in possession one tract of land lying in Franklin County & State of Georgia with a horse & saddle all to the amount of three hundred & ten dollars-and to my beloved son John Kidd I do give one tract of land lying in Franklin County joining of Martins Land with a Beast and Saddle all to the amount of three hundred & ten dollars & if the above mentioned land is ever lost by other claims the damage sustained shall be equally borne by all the legatees that is allowing them to return back into the Estate & sharing with the rest And as for the balance at the decease of my wife or age of my son Webb my Estate to be equally divided amongst all the legatees excepting my son Webb & Nancy Harper & Lucy Greenwood- and what so ever is coming to be Nancys part I do give to her daughter Polly & her son Webb-and what so ever might be Lucys part I do give to their son William and daughter Polly Greenwood, and I appoint and ordain my son Martin and William and John Kidd my sons to be my sole executors of this my Last Will & Testament and I do fully empower & authorize them to do and act for the good of the Estate & Legatees at their discretion as may deem most proper giving and assisting any of the Legatees when it can be spared out of the Estate= and I do hereby revoke & dissnull all other wills and bequests ratifying and confirming this to be my Last Will & Testament in writing whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 16th day of August 1803. Signed in the presence of SEAL Webb Kidd _______ ? read? before signed test John White Thomas White Benjamin Herndon Registered the 22nd day of April 1805 W. Higginbotham C.C.O. Will Bk 1-2-3 1803-1806 pp 57,58,59 |