Will of William Herndon I William Herndon of Prince William County being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be almighty God for the same do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say, First I lend to my wife Frances Herndon all my estate both real and Personal during her natural Life of Widowhood and after her Decease my Will and desire is that my estate be divided as follows. Item. I give my Daughter Catherine ten Shillings current money of Virginia and no more. Item. I lend to my Daughter Ann Collins a negro woman named Phoeby, also a negro boy named Barlett after my wife's death. Item. I give to my Son George Herndon one negro boy Bartlett and one negro Woman named Phoeby which was before lent to my daughter Ann Collins to him and his heirs forever on. Item. I give to my Son George Herndon a negro Woman named Lucy and her future increase to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give to my Son Thomas Herndon fifty pounds Virginia Currency and an equal part of my stock and household furniture on hand at my wifes death or marriage. Item. I give to my Daughter Peggy Herndon a negro Woman named Amy also a horse and saddle worth twenty five pounds to her and her heirs forever. Item. I give to my Son William Herndon fifty Pounds Virginia Currency also an equal apart of my moveable Estate after my wifes Death. Item. I give to my Daughter Betty Taylor Herndon a negro Girl named Phillis to her and her heirs forever also an equal part of my Stock and household furniture after my Wifes Death to her and her heirs forever. Item. I give to my Son John Herndon a negro Man named Tom Charle also a horse and bridle worth twelve Pounds Seven Shillings to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give to my Son James White Herndon a negro man named Tom Bolaz, also a horse Saddle and Bridle worth twelve Pounds seven Shillings also an equal part of all my Stock and household furniture after my Wifes Death to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give to my Daughter Fanney Herndon a negro Girl named Darcuz and thirty Pounds Cash and a horse and saddle worth thirteen Pounds Cash also an equal part of my moveable Estate after my Wifes Death to her and her heirs forever. Item. I give to my Son Jeremiah Herndon a negro Boy named George also forty Pounds Cash and a horse saddle and Bridle worth twelve pounds Seven Shillings and an equal part of my moveable Estate after my wifes Death to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give to my Daughter Rachael Herndon a negro woman named Rose, and two negro Boys Joseph and Gabriel, and the womans future increase, and her equal part of my moveable estate after my wifes Death to her and her heirs forever. My Will and desire is that after the Death or marriage of my beloved wife, the land where I now live and also my tract of land lying and being in the County of Fauquier be sold, and the money arising from the Sale to be equally divided among all my Children except my Daughter Catherine who is to have no more than the ten Shillings left her before. And lastly as to all the rest residue and remainder of my personal Estate, Goods and Chattels of what kind and nature soever, I give and bequeath the same to my said Beloved Wife Frances Herndon whom I hereby appoint Executrix with Amrose Barnett and William Suttle Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made . In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 24th Day of November in the year of our Lord 1795.William x Herndon(his mark) |