Descendants of Benjamin McCULLOUGH

           |-----Benjamin McCULLOUGH (1796-1856)
           |     ====== sp: Martha (Patsy) WARREN (1802-1862)
           |      |-----Susannah McCULLOUGH (1818-)
           |      |-----Warren McCULLOUGH (1820-1882)
           |      |     ====== sp: Perlina MILLER (1821-1871)
           |      |      |-----James McCULLOUGH (1843-)
           |      |      |-----Martha Olive McCULLOUGH (1844-)
           |      |      |     ====== sp: Mr. MOSS (CA 1842-)
           |      |      |     ====== sp: Wiley HOBSON (1840-)
           |      |      |      +-----Martin HOBSON (CA 1861-)
           |      |      |-----William McCULLOUGH (1846-CA 1862)
           |      |      |-----Reuben McCULLOUGH (1848 - 1916)
           |      |      |     ====== sp: Laura Elizabeth JAMES (1847 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----William Warren McCULLOUGH (1868 - 1916)
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Laura J. GREEN (1874 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Luther Sanford McCULLOUGH (1870 - 1957)
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Pearlie P.  WOOD (CA 1875 - BEF 1920)
           |      |      |      |-----Dora Alice McCULLOUGH (1873-1873)
           |      |      |      |-----George L. McCULLOUGH (1874 - 1955)
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Cora B. HORNER (CA 1879 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Jacob (Jake) McCULLOUGH (1876 - 1961)
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Maude Ozelia GREEN (1879 - BEF 1920)
           |      |      |      |-----Jesse Franklin McCULLOUGH (1879 - 1968)
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Bessie Rebecca S. SMITH (CA 1884 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Susan Alice McCULLOUGH (1882 - 1979)
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Levi HORNER (CA 1877 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Evineal (Neely) McCULLOUGH (1884-dec)
           |      |      |      |-----Henry McCULLOUGH (1886 - 1886)
           |      |      |      |-----Dora Alice McCULLOUGH (CA 1886-)
           |      |      |      |-----Milton McCULLOUGH (1888-)
           |      |      |      |-----MIlly McCULLOUGH (1888-)
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Mr. MERCER (CA 1883-)
           |      |      |      +-----Reuben (Rube) McCULLOUGH (1891-)
           |      |      |-----Ellender McCULLOUGH (1851-)
           |      |      |-----Elijah (Lige) McCULLOUGH (1854-)
           |      |      |     ====== sp: Mary JOHNSTON (CA 1852 -  )
           |      |      |-----Mary Ann McCULLOUGH (1859 -  )
           |      |      |     ====== sp: William TABORS (CA 1847 -  )
           |      |      |-----John Wesley McCULLOUGH (1862 -  )
           |      |      |-----Benjamin McCULLOUGH (1864 -  )
           |      |      |     ====== sp: Millie WORD (CA 1869 -  )
           |      |      |-----Alexander McCULLOUGH (1866 -  )
           |      |      |     ====== sp: Fannie HAMBY (CA 1871 -  )
           |      |      +-----Andrew McCULLOUGH (1868 -  )
           |      |     ====== sp: Ellen ROBERTS (1837-  )
           |      |      |-----Emma  McCULLOUGH (1873-)
           |      |      |-----Seaboun Nelson McCULLOUGH (1875-)
           |      |      |-----Laura E. McCULLOUGH (1877 -  )
           |      |      |-----Lula V. McCULLOUGH (1878-)
           |      |      |-----James B. McCULLOUGH (1880-)
           |      |      +-----Warren James McCULLOUGH (CA 1882 -  )
           |      |-----William McCULLOUGH (1822 -  )
           |      |-----Priscilla McCULLOUGH (1825 - AFT 1880)
           |      |     ====== sp: William M. MILLER (1821 - CA 1869)
           |      |      |-----Mary MILLER (1842-)
           |      |      |-----John MILLER (1844-)
           |      |      |-----Michael MILLER (1847-)
           |      |      |-----Belinda MILLER (1850-CA 1859)
           |      |      |-----Martha S MILLER (1852-CA 1894)
           |      |      |-----Benjamin MILLER (1855 - 1884)
           |      |      |     ====== sp: Mary Jane CLEVELAND (1860 - 1929)
           |      |      |      |-----Joseph William MILLER (1877 - 1953)
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Sarah (Sallie) NICHOLSON (1876 - 1899)
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Ada (Addie) HENRY (CA 1882 - 1971)
           |      |      |      |-----Ettie Cleveland MILLER (1880 - 1922)
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Jesse SMITH (1872 - 1948)
           |      |      |      +-----Eunice Ibra MILLER (1884 - 1920)
           |      |      |            ====== sp: Jesse Edward SMITH (1871 - 1958)
           |      |      |-----Susan A. MILLER (1857 - 1944)
           |      |      |     ====== sp: Timothy D. GORDON (CA 1852-)
           |      |      |      |-----Lamar GORDON (CA 1877 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----William Perry GORDON (1880 - 1956)
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Carrie VERETTE (CA 1885 - CA 1907)
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Alice Clayte TAYLOR (1880 - 1963)
           |      |      |      |-----Govie GORDON (CA 1881 -)
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Liza GERMANY (CA 1886 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Luda GORDON (CA 1883 -  )
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Charles FREEMAN (CA 1878 -  )
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Victor VERETTE (CA 1878 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Evelyn (Evie) GORDON (CA 1885 -  )
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Oscar SANSING (CA 1880 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Olivia (Ollie) GORDON (CA 1887 -  )
           |      |      |      |     ====== sp: Leon BARFOOT (CA 1882 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Timothy D. GORDON Jr. (1889 - 1890)
           |      |      |      +-----Susan GORDON (1889 - 1890)
           |      |      |-----Anna (Nancy) MILLER (1859 - BEF 1870)
           |      |      |-----Elizabeth MILLER (1863 - 1899)
           |      |      +-----Eliza Jane MILLER (1865 - 1930)
           |      |            ====== sp: Miles BARFOOT (CA 1860-)
           |      |            ====== sp: Andrew Clifford VANCE (CA 1860 -  dec.)
           |      |             +-----Andrew H. VANCE (CA 1889-)
           |      |-----Hannah McCULLOUGH (1827-)
           |      |-----Andrew Jackson  McCULLOUGH (1829 - 1862)
           |      |     ====== sp: Lucinda H. MILLER (1832 -  )
           |      |      |-----Martin McCULLOUGH (1851 -  )
           |      |      |-----Benjamin McCULLOUGH (1853 -  )
           |      |      |-----Elizabeth McCULLOUGH (1859 -  )
           |      |      +-----Frances McCULLOUGH (CA 1861 -  )
           |      |-----Reuben McCULLOUGH (1831 -  )
           |      |-----Alexander McCULLOUGH (1836 - 1906)
           |      |     ====== sp: Pietta (Nancy) CLEVELAND (1840 - CA 1865)
           |      |      |-----Warren McCULLOUGH (1858-)
           |      |      |-----Jasper O. McCULLOUGH (1861 -  )
           |      |      |-----Agnes McCULLOUGH (CA 1863 -  )
           |      |      |     ====== sp: Mr. BILDERBACK (CA 1858 -  )
           |      |      +-----Ona McCULLOUGH (CA 1865 - CA 1865)
           |      |    ====== sp: Tabitha Ann CLEVELAND (1835 - 1909)
           |      |      +-----Robert Edward Lee McCULLOUGH (1873 - 1882)
           |      |-----Jasper McCULLOUGH (1839 - 1903)
           |      |     ====== sp: Emily Marilda CLEVELAND (1844 - 1919)
           |      |      |-----Abigail (Abbe) McCULLOUGH (1865 - 1945)
           |      |      |     ====== sp: J. N. MILNER (CA 1860-)
           |      |      |      |-----Guy Ernest MILNER (1885 - 1961)
           |      |      |      |-----Ula MILNER (1887-)
           |      |      |      |-----L. Sanford MILNER (CA 1889-)
           |      |      |      |-----J. Gilbert MILNER (CA 1890-)
           |      |      |      |-----Paul Cleveland MILNER (1891 - 1961)
           |      |      |      |-----Elliot MILNER (CA 1893 - 1960)
           |      |      |      |-----Jasper W. MILNER (CA 1895-)
           |      |      |      +-----Emma MILNER (CA 1897-)
           |      |      |-----William Walter McCULLOUGH (1866 - 1886)
           |      |      |-----Charles McCULLOUGH (1869 - 1948)
           |      |      |     ====== sp: Lona Adele (Della) GODDARD (1871 -  )
           |      |      |-----Lula McCULLOUGH (1872 - 1876)
           |      |      |-----Henry Clay McCULLOUGH (1874 - 1958)
           |      |      |     ====== sp: Nora Elizabeth SMITH (1877 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Raymond McCULLOUGH (1895 - 1975)
           |      |      |      |-----Foy McCULLOUGH (1897 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Opal McCULLOUGH (1899 - 1966)
           |      |      |      |-----Henry Clay McCULLOUGH Jr (1902 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Newton Leslie McCULLOUGH (1907 - 1921)
           |      |      |      |-----Elizabeth Emily McCULLOUGH (1909 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Jasper James McCULLOUGH (1911 - 1965)
           |      |      |      +-----Warren McCULLOUGH (1916 -  )
           |      |      |            ====== sp: Sarah Mildred FITZGERALD (CA 1921  -  )
           |      |      |-----Ralph Eugene McCULLOUGH (1876 - 1956)
           |      |      |     ====== sp: Minnie May GODDARD (1879 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Lona Abbe McCULLOUGH (1902 - 1903)
           |      |      |      +-----Ralph Earl McCULLOUGH (1904 - 1971)
           |      |      |            ====== sp: Isabell Emeline COOPER (1909 - 1992)
           |      |      |-----Stephen Ellis McCULLOUGH (1880 - 1947)
           |      |      |     ====== sp: Mary Jane HUTSON (1880 - 1963)
           |      |      |      |-----Flora McCULLOUGH (CA 1905 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Estelle McCULLOUGH (CA 1907 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Ellis McCULLOUGH (CA 1909 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Marrice McCULLOUGH (CA 1911 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Robert McCULLOUGH (CA 1913 -  )
           |      |      |      |-----Marion McCULLOUGH (CA 1915 -  )
           |      |      |      +-----Charles McCULLOUGH (CA 1917 -  )
           |      |      +-----Jasper Herbert McCULLOUGH (1884 - 1927)
           |      |            ====== sp: Eddie Emily PARKS (CA 1889 -  )
           |      |-----Martha A. McCULLOUGH (1841 - 1871)
           |      |     ====== sp: John Madison SMITH (1837 - 1864)
           |      |      |-----Priscilla SMITH (1859 - BEF 1870)
           |      |      +-----William Jefferson SMITH (1861 - 1911)
           |      |            ====== sp: Mary (Mollie) FULTON (1864 - CA 1891)
           |      |             +-----John Walter SMITH (1884 - 1958)
           |      |                   ====== sp: Margerette C. GIPSON (1884 - 1949)
           |      |            ====== sp: Florence Ida LEWIS (1872 -  )
           |      |             |-----Ila SMITH (1894 -  )
           |      |             |-----Ada SMITH (1895 -  )
           |      |             |-----William Clay SMITH (1896 -  )
           |      |             |     ====== sp: Pearlee P. HUTCHINGS (CA 1901 - )
           |      |             |-----Benjamin Lewis SMITH (1897 -  )
           |      |             |-----Ottis Franklin SMITH (1898 -  )
           |      |             |-----Ernest SMITH (1900 -  )
           |      |             |-----Wesley SMITH (1902 -  )
           |      |             |-----Ruby SMITH (1904 -  )
           |      |             |-----Carl SMITH (1906 -  )
           |      |             |-----Ina SMITH (1907 -  )
           |      |             |-----Owen SMITH (1908 -  )
           |      |             +-----Iva Opal SMITH (1910 -  )
           |      |     ====== sp: John C. WALTON (1836 -  )
           |      |      |-----Martha Elizabeth WALTON (1866 - 1947)
           |      |      |     ====== sp: James Thomas LEWIS (CA 1861 -  )
           |      |      |      +-----Esther LEWIS (CA 1886 -  )
           |      |      |-----James WALTON (1868 - 1871)
           |      |      +-----Benjamin McCullough  WALTON (1870 - 1888)
           |      |-----Isham McCULLOUGH (1846 -  )
           |      +-----Benjamin Franklin McCULLOUGH (1848 - 1915)
           |            ====== sp: Ascenath (Seney) SMITH (1849 - 1891)
           |             |-----Martha Elizabeth McCULLOUGH (1868 -  )
           |             |     ====== sp: M. W. MOODY (CA 1862 -  )
           |             |-----Annie Ona McCULLOUGH (1869 -  )
           |             |     ====== sp: J. D. MARTIN (CA 1864 -  )
           |             |-----Louisa McCULLOUGH (1869 - 1888)
           |             |-----Andrew Jackson McCULLOUGH (1871 - 1887)
           |             |-----Mary Olivia McCULLOUGH (1873 -  )
           |             |-----Coral McCULLOUGH (1876 - 1877)
           |             |-----Benjamin Franklin McCULLOUGH Jr (1878 -  )
           |             |     ====== sp: Mable Jane ODEN (CA 1885 -  )
           |             |-----John W. McCULLOUGH (1880 - 1901)
           |             |-----Lela Mae McCULLOUGH (1883 - 1904)
           |             |     ====== sp: James William RODDY (1880 -  )
           |             |-----Jasper Jay McCULLOUGH (1886 - 1994)
           |             +-----Jewel McCULLOUGH (1889 -  )
           |-----William Michael  McCULLOUGH (1799 - 1887)
           |     ====== sp: Sarah WARREN (1805 - 1882)
           |      |-----Winston McCULLOUGH (1822 - 1913)
           |      |     ====== sp: Sarah GREER (CA 1827 -  )
           |      |-----Benjamin McCULLOUGH (1824 - 1898)
           |      |     ====== sp: Lavilla GUNNELS (CA 1829 -  )
           |      |     ====== sp: Ann America WILLIAMS (CA 1830 -  )
           |      |-----Olive McCULLOUGH (1829 - 1900)
           |      |     ====== sp: Jesse Jefferson REEVES (CA 1824 -  )
           |      |-----William Jasper McCULLOUGH (1832 - 1879)
           |      |     ====== sp: Lenora REEVES (CA 1837 -  )
           |      |-----Belinda McCULLOUGH (1844 - 1926)
           |      |     ====== sp: Jacob Allen REEVES (CA 1839 -  )
           |      |     ====== sp: William E. BEARD (CA 1840 -  )
           |      +-----Sarah Abigail McCULLOUGH (1847 - 1905)
           |            ====== sp: Andrew Allen MONACK (CA 1842 -  )
           +-----John McCULLOUGH (1806 - 1861)
                 ====== sp: Nancy WARREN (1807 - 1852)
                  |-----George McCULLOUGH (1825 - 1860)
                  |     ====== sp: Ann (Nancy) (unknown) (1834 -  )
                  |-----Mary McCULLOUGH (CA 1827 -  )
                  |-----Alfred McCULLOUGH (CA 1829 -  )
                  |-----Marion McCULLOUGH (CA 1831 - 1862)
                  |-----Hannah McCULLOUGH (1833 -  )
                  |-----Catherine McCULLOUGH (1835 -  )
                  |-----Matthew McCULLOUGH (CA 1838 -  )
                  |-----John McCULLOUGH (CA 1839-)
                  |-----Benjamin McCULLOUGH (1841 -  )
                  |-----Nancy McCULLOUGH (1845 -  )
                  |     ====== sp: Cornelius HARRIS (CA 1839 -  )
                  +-----William McCULLOUGH (1847 -  )
                        ====== sp: Barbary E. MERCHANT (CA 1850 -  )

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