Old Rappahannock County Deeds & Wills 1677-1682 Part II pp 236-237 Nover Cort 79 Know all men by these prsents that I Symon Miller of the County of Rappae: Boatewright, for a valuable consideration already received have sold unto Roger Cleaveland of the Pish of Abington in the County of Glocester, Plantr, a parcell of land conteyning foure hundred and forty acres lying on the North side of Rappae: River and adjoyning to the land of Mr. Cornelius Reynolds on the East side of the said Reynolds his land, and soe running East to the River to two marked Beeches, from thence North into the woods to a marked red Oak, and from thence West to a marked red Oak, and from thence South to the place wherre it begins to a marked Locust tree in the line of the said Cornelius Reynolds, as the Pattent of the said Land at more large maketh appeare; To have & to hold the said Foure hundred acres of land and forty together with all woods Timber water profits and Implements soever to the same belonging from me the said Symon Miller or my heires to the said Roger Cleaveland and his heires from time to time paying the rights and services to our Soveraigne Lord the King, And the said Miller doth hereby for himself his heires grant that he at all times hereafter shall possess & enjoy the said land wthout molestation of him the sd Miller his heires or assignes & whereas I the sd Miller have received bond or the said Cleaveland for ye payment of ye value of the sd Land upon paymt. whereof this convayance to remaine in full force & virtue and upon non paymt at the severall daies appointed, this to be void & of no force. In Witness wee have set our hands and Seales this 4th of Novembr: 1679 Signed sealed & delivd in prsence of us Cor. Reynolds, Jno Rowzie, Simon Miller, Margaret (her X mark) Miller Recognitr in Cur com Rappae: 5 die Novis 1679 Know all men by these prsents that I Margaret Miller doe ordaine Cornelius Reynolds my lawfull attorney for me & in my name to acknowledge on Convayance of land granted by my Husband & me to Roger Cleaveland bearing date the 4th November 1679 to the said Roger Cleaveland his assignes as Witness my hand & seale this 4th of Novembr: 1679 Test Jno. Rowzie, Elizb (her X mark) Lawthland, Margaret (her X mark) Miller Recordatr x3 die Novis 1679 Roger moved to that part of Spottsylvania County, Virginia, that in 1734, became Orange County, Virginia. Ref: Minutes of the Council and General Court of Colonial VA, Vol 58, p 254, Virginia State Library, Richmond, VA. also Spottsylvania County VA Records by Crozier, p 17; Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Using the above information and the Parish church records of Glouchester Co VA, George A. Martin documented Roger Cleveland as the ancestor of the southern Clevelands. Ref: Virginia Cleveland Ancestor Discovered: National Genealogicial Society Quarterly, Vol 46, p 152, September 1958. This is contrary to the information in the three Volumes of Genealogies of the Cleveland and Cleaveland Families compiled by two Cleveland cousins, Edmond Janes Cleveland and Horace Gillette Cleveland researching the northern Clevelands, published in 1899. [GLSG] |